Our mission

academia TO practice

We primarily operate in the intersection between academia and practice, as our mission is to help young professionals in the architecture field, be better equipped as they move from an academic to a workplace setting. Each architecture planner notebook contains a toolkit of information, all condensed in four pages. These are all readily available on the internet, but never before collated at your fingertips, on the go such as on-site visits or in in-person meetings. Watch this space as we develop digital tools for task management.


mental wellbeing

At planArc, we are big mental health advocates, and we are committed to supporting architects in their professional journey. From the daily action list which prioritizes a maximum of three tasks per day, to the quarterly review which offers questions and paper space for reflection and intention-setting, each architecture planner notebook is designed to be used for 13 weeks, as a tool to help manage anxiety in the workplace, by helping you feel in the driver’s seat. Follow us for more wellbeing tips.



We tread lightly on the planet by printing each planner in the UK, which helps minimize travel emissions. We use FSC paper, of course. Our notebooks are wire bound, so we don’t use glue, and once the wire is removed, the paper and cover are recyclable. Each notebook comes undated, to keep waste to a minimum.